Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Euthanasi An Intentional Act Essay - 1793 Words

Introduction and Controversy The topic that caused interest to me while being in this course is Euthanasia. Euthanasia is a very controversial topic due to what it stands for. Euthanasia comes from the Greek for â€Å"good† or â€Å"merciful† death. It is a â€Å"the art of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from incurable conditions or diseases.† Currently euthanasia makes a distinction between active and passive euthanasia although many prefer the distinction between positive and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia is an intentional act that causes death. Active euthanasia brings kind death to through direct intervention the act kills the patient directly. Passive Euthanasia is an intentional act to avoid prolonging the dying process. By contrast the passive euthanasia is the withholding or withdrawing of life-prolonging and life-sustaining technologies. Euthanasia can be distinguished from murder due to the motive, murder would be killing someone for reasons other than kindness. There are four kinds of euthanasia that can be described as:1) Natural Euthanasia: is simply a natural good death, a painless death that comes upon on without necessity of medicine or an attending physician to alleviate physical suffering, 2) Moral Euthanasia: A valiant facing and accepting of death, a courageous death, 3) Therapeutic Euthanasia: The easing of the pain which often accompanies death by the use of therapeutic doses of narcotics, and 4) Merciful Euthanasia: May be voluntary or

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effects Of Fracking On The And Gas Industry - 1431 Words

The Ethicacy of Fracking Changes with the process of fracking often called slick water high pressure horizontal drilling have become common in recent years are having devastating effects on people, their livestock as well as on communities as a whole. The toxic and often carcinogenic chemicals used in the process and as a result of the methods used are often contaminating water supplies. Air quality is also being greatly affected due to side effects from this method of resource extraction and greenhouse gas emissions both created by technology and equipment fails. Several social conflicts and issues arise around this practice too. This video considered these problems as well as the ethicacy of policies, industry practices, and behavior surrounds fracking operations. We will be looking at the ethical evaluation of this practice by Rabbi Mordechai Liebling from Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and support for his perspective of the ethical practices by other participants in this documentary. Rabbi Lieb ling approaches the issue of the practice of fracking by the oil and gas industry from a land ethic point of view. Land ethics is understood to be an ethical concept that includes man, his society, and (soil, water, plants, and animals collectively making up) the land. This philosophical approach focusses on cooperation and interdependency. (Leopold) The first two elements of interpersonal relations and the individual’s relation to society are governed by the goldenShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Hydraulic Fracking On The Oil And Gas Industry1044 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Hydraulic Fracking is an oil and gas extraction process used in the past 60 years. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Roman Construction Free Essays

The ancient Romans were known for their brilliant engineering that have  stood the test of time. They were brilliantly manufactured to make the ancient Romans  more comfortable. Most of the inventions were improvements of older engineering ideas,  inventions, and concepts. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Construction or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Romans improved the recipe of cement, which was  invented in Egypt, and created concrete. The Romans were greatly influenced by the Greek and the Estrusan. The construction and technology for bringing running water into the cities  were invented in the East. The construction of roads, were common then as it is now.  The Romans improved the design and perfected the construction so well it is used today.  The three examples I choose to write about Roman Engineering are first the Roman  aqueduct.   This construction was used to supply water to the people in the city. The  aqueduct is one of the most brilliant engineering constructions in the ancient world. It set a standard that has not been equaled Centuries after the fall of Rome.  Many of the cities in Rome, today still use the aqueducts to supply water for the city.  The aqueduct is estimated to be between 40 and a little over 500km in length. It is  29miles (47) km; above ground because most Roman aqueducts ran beneath the surface  of the ground. To build underground makes the water disease free as well as helped the  aqueducts from being attacked by enemies. The Roman aqueducts were sophistically built and remarkably thinly  technically standard. It has a gradient of only 34cm per km, lowering 17m vertically with  its entire length of 50km. Largely powered by gravity, it moves large amounts of 6  million gallons of water a day. The combined aqueducts in Rome supplied around  1million cubic meters which supplied 30 million gallons to the city each day. This is  great engineering feat has not been equaled until the 19th Century. The construction of the Roman aqueducts is the use of Chorobates. The  Chorobates used in this engineering were used to level terrain before construction. The  Chorobates was a wooden object that was supported by four legs. It had a flat broad top  with an engraved half circle. The half circle was filled with water to make the angle  which there is no water will be measured. The Groma is another tool used in the construction of the aqueduct. It  was used to measure right angles. It consisted of stones that hung off four sticks and was  perpendicular to one another. Distant objects marked out against the group of stones are  placed horizontally. There were nine aqueducts built, in ancient Rome supplying 38  million gallons a day to Rome.  A second example of Roman engineering is the Roman roads. These   roads were an essential to the growth of Rome because they supplied the Roman Empire  to move enemies in War. They were also created to hinder the enemies organizing to  attack Rome. The road, in its greatness was 85,000 km containing 372 links. The  Romans became adept at constructing the roads for political, military and commercial  reasons. The roads were long and important for the stability and expansion of the Roman Empire.   The Roman Roads were built first with Roman Army builders who  cleaned the ground of trees and rocks. They then build a trench where the road was  going to be laid and then filled it with large rocks. They put the large stones, pebbles,  cement and also sand and packed it down making a firm base. They added a layer of  cement that was mixed with broken tiles, paving stones creating the surface of the road. The stones were cut to fit tightly together. They placed kerbstones at the side  of the road to hold the paving stones and create a channel were the water can run.  The third example of Roman engineering, are Roman Bridges. The Romans  were first to build these bridges and make them long lasting. The Roman bridges were  built with stones with an Arch as its basic structure. The Romans used a new form of  cement called concrete to build the bridge. The Bridges were built in 142 BC, and was  named the Ponte Rotto. It is the oldest Roman stone bridge built in Rome. The Roman Bridge  characteristics are many they are 5 meters wide. Many have a slope and lean slightly.  Roman bridges have rustic work. The Roman Bridges stonework has a changing stretcher  as well as header courses which consist of a layer of square stones that are laid  horizontally. The end faces outwards, in the next layer of square stones.  The stones are connected with dovetail joint or with metal bars.  Indentions found in the stones were created by the gripping tools used for the  workers to hold onto.   The Romans also used tools such as slaves to move building  blocks of stones as well as levers and pulleys. They used chisels, concrete, plumb bob, a  bronze square, bronze dividers, and bronze foot ruler to build the bridges and the  powerful, and mighty city of Rome. Works Cited Roman Architecture- http://www.iol.ie/~coolmine/typ/romans/archie2.html The Roman’s Page. Mark Warner, 2007-Roman Roads-The Downs FM; The amazing podcast Of the downs CE Primary School-Teaching Ideas; Subject: History. http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/history/romanrd.htm Chris Trueman; The History of Ancient Rome- History learning site; http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/roman_engineering.htm Chris Trueman; Roman Roads-The History of Ancient Rome-History learning site; http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/roman_roads.htm How to cite Roman Construction, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Nicki Minaj free essay sample

Her rapping skill caught Lil Waynes attention who later on tagged her for a number of collaborations in his mixtures. IIII. How does she come up with her music? A. She said its her personal preference to always be in control of everything in her life. B. Nicki also comes up with her lyrics by using her alter egos such as Roman Zolanski to help tell stories in her life. IV. What is her back story? A. Her real name is Onika Maraj B. Birthday is December 8, 1984 C. Hometown was Jamaica, Queens Nicki Minaj free essay sample So was I outraged when I saw the Nick Mina] skit? Not really. While much of the writing was a bit Insulting to me, I get that thats typical Saturday Night Live. And as a regular viewer of the show, I would be lying If I didnt admit that Ive laughed when they have Insulted or made fun of black people Including Opera Winfred, former New York Gob. David Paterson and Tyler Perry. Now, I do think that there are times when skit comedy, situation comedy and stand- up comedians go too far. But I dont believe this was the case with the Blackstone skit.In fact, I dont think it was any more insulting than the Bunion Jackson skits on In Living Color back in the day, or, more recently, skits like the Make You Wait Hair Salon on the Chris Rock Show. Is it only K when the insults are black on black? Honestly, the outrage over this Mina] skit might be more effective if it were targeted at reality shows such as Bravos The Real Housewives of Atlanta or VHF s Basketball Wives. These overwhelmingly popular shows are far more damaging to the Image of black women than a five-minute skit on SIN.Thanks to the talents of professionals like TV producer Shannon Rhymes and director the fact that no black people were nominated in major categories for the Oscar or SAG Awards and Whale Berry and Doris Elba were the only blacks nominated for this years Golden Globes reveals that we still have a long way to go. Part of the solution could be throwing support behind projects that give black characters more depth, like Berrys latest movie, Frankie and Alice, or the canceled Undercover on NBC, which wasnt the greatest production but represented a bold move by the network to feature two black lead actors.If we supported these efforts the way we support everything Tyler Perry does, we could make an incredible preference in improving how black people are represented in media across the board. Http://blobs. Coif. Dude/delightfulness/2011104/20/why-are-female-rappers-represented- in-the-wrong-way/ Why are Female Rappers Represented in the Wrong Way? Posted on April 20, 2011 by discover So as we all known hip-hop music has been predominantly dominated by males since the start of it existence. However female rappers are emerging on the scene with booming record sales that are pushing them further and further to the top.Now I am going to discuss how female rap artists are portrayed in our media and why they are portrayed so poorly. K so I realize that it isnt the best idea for Nick Mina] or Ill Kim to get up on stage with every part of their body exposed but what else do you expect so that they can achieve some attention. Since hip-hop music is dominated by males females have to do whatever they can so that they stand out next to them. Anyway;says, I can go into greater detail about that in a little bit. To get somewhat historical about females in hip-hop I took a look at my book for my Evolution of Hip-hop class.In this I found many interesting things about females in hip-hop. Hip-hop is greatly associated with urban male culture. In the book Thats The Joint Pearl says that females were always into rap, they had their little crews and were known for rocking parties, schoolyards, whatever it was; and females rocked Just as hard as males [but] the male was Just the first to be put on wax [record]. Although this is female artist from the eighties broke on to the scene. Artist like MAC Late, Queen Latish, Roseanne Shanty and Minnie Love were some of the first females to follow in the limelight to other male rappers. These female rappers were delivering powerful messages that they wanted people to hear. Film Critic scholar Jacqueline Bob says that the female rappers working together the women utilize representations of black women that they deem valuable in productive and politically useful ways. These rappers Just want their voices heard so that they can express some opinion. Now to talk about so of the first female rappers I turn to rapper MAC Late. Rapper MAC Late separated female rappers into three different categories: They were 1 . Early sasss-Shah Rock, Sequence, MAC Late 2.Mid sasss-Salt N Peep, Roseanne Shanty, Real Roseanne 3. Late sasss-Dad Brat, Ill Kim, Foxy Brown During the early sasss sasss Roseanne Shantys groundbreaking raps, and Queen Latish adorned strong Black Women persona was empowering while the late nineties and now we have the Sexy MAC such as Ill Kim, Eve, Nick Mina]. Rappers like Queen Latish and MAC Late made space for black women to vocalizes their independence, sexual agency, lyrical mastery. Although this is, I wanted to make a point that our book from this class brings out.In our book they discuss how women in rap do not discuss being pregnant or motherhood however they discuss promiscuity. I feel that these women have to do this to stand out next to the male rappers. For example this is a Nick Mina] lyric I wanted to share. This is from a song called Romans Revenge. Im a bad pitch, Im a count. And Ill kick that hoe, punt. Forced trauma, blunt. You play the back, pitch, Im in the front. So as we can see that the female Macs today have to show aggression and attitude to succeed. Now I want to discuss female rappers ; labels.In the beginning they were called Black Divas but later referred to as Queen Mother after a female rapper said diva denotes a posture of arrogance and pretentiousness as opposed to that of a regal self-assured women. Later these rappers were broken down in to four distinctive categories. Queen Mother,Fly Girl,Assist with Attitude and Lesbian Queen Mother is the category that comprises female rappers who view themselves as African centered icons. They want to be viewed as Intelligent Black Women or Siestas dropping science to the people. Fly Girl describes someone in chic clothing fashionable hairstyles, Jewelry cosmetics. They also wear short skirts, sequined fabric, high heeled shoes, and prominent makeup. Assist with Attitude according to African American Scholar Geneva Smithereens dude, a imitative form of attitude, can be defined as an aggressive, arrogant, defiant, l- know-Im-BAD pose or air about oneself. Lesbian and the lesbian category actually didnt emerge until the late sasss. Since hip-hop music is deemed to be homophobic, recognition of gay/lesbian culture is not shown.However some female rappers have broken through this barrier. Female rapper Queen Pen released her debut LAP My Melody with her hit song Girlfriend. This was seen as a breakthrough for queer culture. The song Girlfriend plays on a black lesbian love interest. Kuaka Mouse notes that lesbian identity similar to feminism, represents white lesbian culture or white women to the exclusion of color. Also Just wanted to add in this quote I found from Rwanda Brakes book Getting Back to the Basics. Male Hip-hop artist Rah Dig says l think theres always goanna be a higher ratio of male as opposed to female Macs, but I think that females are definitely commanding more respect now than in the past. through stereotypes in this male dominated tradition by redefining womens culture and identity from a Black feminist perspective. Female rappers use their references as platforms to refute, deconstruct, and reconstruct alternative versions of their identity. So more power to female rap artists. Http://www. Digitally. Co. K/just/sis/American-idol/news/a410783/nick-minas- Maria-Carrey-feud-played-down-by-American-idol-bosses. HTML Nick Minas, Maria Carrey feud played down by American Idol bosses Nick Mina] and Maria Carrys recent spat on the set of American Idol has been played down by executives of the show. Starship singer Mina] was reported to have launched a furious tirade against Carrey during a taping of the show, which leaked onto the internet last week. However, producers of the show have now insisted that the argument between Mina] and Carrey was an isolated incident, and that the new Judging panel works well.In an official statement, producers said: This is one of the best, most passionate, dynamic and invested Judging panels weve ever had. We love and support all of the judges and the fantastic work they are doing, and we cant imagine a better group to find the next American Idol. Despite all the accusations and media speculation much of which is inaccurate production is going extremely w ell today and the Judges are focused on finding the est. talent here in Baton Rouge (Louisiana). Mina] is apparently angry with Idol bosses over the altercation, holding them responsible for Carrys alleged rude behavior.Subscribe to comments Post Comment Edit your comment Cancel http:// www. Slideshows. Net/Larynges/nick-minas-analysis More Nick Minas Analysis -? Presentation Transcript 1 . Super bass is one of Nick Minimas songs, off of her Pink Friday album that was released on 5th April 2011. The song is categorized as a mix between electronic and pop (whilst having a hip hop beat) and contains many conventions of this genre -in guards to the music video. There are various systems of signs in the video that create meaning which consists of technical and symbolic codes.In this particular media text, numerous camera movements, shots and editing are used to tell the story. 2. The music video begins with a close-up shot of Nick Minimas face histrionically introduces audience to the main person within video. The extreme close up installers you to move your focus on other eyes (which is full of makeup) astray open and blink and move indifferent directions. As it goes foremost to right you are hon. dripping ice sculpture in debarkation that has been accreditation the shape off motorbike before beginning to sing. 3.As she begins to sing, there is a range of slow movements one prop to another to relate to what she is Ferreira, airplane, champagne bottled glasses as well as money (stacking up) and men. The bubblegum pink props relates to the idea of her being like a Barbie, which many of the females may take interest in. On the other hand, the close up shots of themes abs, face and lips (extreme close up shot) is shown in such a way to attract women to the sexual idea that she is making. Overall, these introductory shots give you an idea of the perfect life that most girls desire to have. The way in which she interacts with one of the males also creates this type of idea of hot muscular males being a womans main focus especially hers. ] 4. In order to appeal to the men, there are number of group shots of Nick Minas and Soother females wearing denim shorts, whiteness tops and different colored DRP. Marten boots which looks very attractive. They are all shown performing choreographed dance and gyrating holstering exactly the same as Nick Mina]. 5. On the 3rd setting, Nick Mina] is hon. in a bathing suit,surrounded by men, with green hair (like a mermaid) endless.Immediately, she is the centre of attention as she jaywalks around the frozen pool and plays in it with one of tamales. The editing used within this scene is slow pockmarked to the music that is upbeat which makes audience focus on everything that is taking place. Performable, close up shots of Nick Minimas legs, face and boatyard used to create intimacy with the viewer in particular tamale. In this scene, she is portrayed as being powerful nominated especially when she throws rink over the man endways l am Nick Mina], I Mack them dudes up (*Mack puttee in line) in an abrupt way to emphasis her importance -verbal code. . Again, she is the main focus at the chorus India shown on the ice sculpture of a bike. Tiebreakers is white and there is flashing lighting Nick Minas who stands out in a skin-tightening and white body suit. The idea of intimacys emphasized more through wide and allowance shots of her dancing on the bike unhanding constant eye contact with teacher to portray her as this sexual attractiveness. 7. In the last scene, he editing used which is black lights to set tightening tone of the people is really effective as it allows tiebacks dancers and Nick Mina] to stand out in their seductivenesss from the black background.The relationship bewitchment male and female is very sexual and taunting, for examples the woman takes hold of the mens head and circulates it. Bodying this, we see a manipulative side to the girls which could be reason as to why the background is dark as it creates a magnetospheres. Much like the scene where she is on the ice sculpture bike, Heraclites in the last scene reflects her confidence of being a steamrollering Oman who is of eye candy to males and has the ability get whatever she wants. There shots consist of mid shots and long shots as well as transmogrification the video to give the viewer a range of things to look at. 8. To conclude, Nick Minimas video is a sexy keyword that adopts a playful approach to story about a boy that you have a crush and want to impress; in a provocative way. The colorful visuals, bright lighting antelope who are of eye candy draws you nothing world whereby Nick Mina] is the centre afternoon. Whilst portraying women sportive, she also wows negativity on trailhead however, the idea of this is hydrogenous the sex appeal shown throughout the video. An dressed as the Pope) was quite popularizing, but the 29-year-old star says her fans understood her message. Http://news. Yahoo. Com/nick-mina]-defends-her-grammar- performance-172253446. HTML My young fans absolutely loved it. My core fans absolutely loved it because they know the story that I was portraying, Nick told Access Hollywood at MAC Cosmetics Viva Glam Launch in New York on Wednesday. Its been two years in the making. I dont know who said you cant do that. I mean, Im going to do whatever I need to do to portray a story.PLAY IT NOW: Nick Mina] Defends Her Grammar Awards Performance l made a movie its called, Roman Holiday And in that movie, this is what happens to that Roman character. So, I had to paint the picture, she added. I cant do a song like that and stand up there with a microphone and a band behind me I have to paint the picture and Im goanna always do that to the fullest. The Super Bass singer/rapper said she hopes no one took offense to the raucous performance, as it absolutely was not meant to be offensive.VIEW THE PHOTOS: Grammas 2012: outrageous Looks It was meant to say, love people for who they are and stop ridiculing and chastising and condemning people because they seem different thats the goal, she told Access. l think the people who needed to be touched by it were and the people who were going to have a problem with it anyway, had a problem. Adding, They wouldnt have a problem if I was up there in a skimpy two-piece, you know what I mean? Copyright 2012 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.